I had been given a variety of disposable diapers at baby showers, so I had an opportunity to use many different kinds before concluding I wanted to try cloth.
There are many brands, as well as different types of diapers even within a brand to choose from. That goes for cloth as well as disposables. It can be quite overwhelming, especially if you are putting quite a bit of a financial investment or commitment into it, like you do when buying cloth diapers.
I just wanted something that:
*didn't leak
*was simple and easy to change, clean up, and sanitize
*and was good for the environment and my baby
After trying several kinds of cloth diapers, I now know more about what I like and don't like about cloth diapering which has made it somewhat easier to diaper, but I still wish there was a perfect diaper.
What would you put on your list or what diapers have worked well for you and your baby(ies)?
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